Moonbeam Love is in the Air

You have been doing your part to keep Moonbeam thriving! As you know, an important part of being an ambassador is sharing information and love for the projects. This week, think of all the reasons you choose to be a part of the team and share them with your community!


After one year, we want to hear what makes Moonbeam special to you!

  1. Create a Moonbeam Valentine image or NFT
  2. Using AI Art or graphic design software, or draw it
  3. Create a Twitter Thread:
    1. What do you love the most about Moonbeam Technology, achievements, etc
    2. What would you love to see in Moonbeam in the coming months ( in terms of integrations, etc.)

How to participate?

  1. Create some #MoonbeamLove art using AI or other software you like
  2. Create a Twitter thread sharing what you love about Moonbeam.
    1. Consider reflecting on your favorite events and activities
    2. Talk about why you like certain projects and how you use them
    3. Try and link to something on the Moonbeam Website if possible
  3. Use hashtags #WhyILoveMoonbeam and #MoonbeamLove and tag @thinkwildcrypto, @MoonbeamNetwork, and @MoonriverNW official accounts.
  4. Post your Twitter thread into #💘whyilovemoonbeam channel on Discord

🏆Winners & rewards:

We will select 5 winners to win some swag based on:

🗓Important dates: